Focus IT College

React /Angular

Our courses in React and Angular provide a deep dive into the world of modern web development. You’ll learn about the latest approaches to building web applications, understand the principles of component-based architecture, and master efficient state management. Our courses cover everything from fundamentals to advanced concepts, allowing you to hone your skills even if you’re new to the field.

Technologies and software you will add to your toolbox

Single Page Application

Material UI


Fundamentals of Web Development
  • Introduction to Web Development:

    • Understand the fundamentals of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Learn about the structure of a web page and how elements are styled and interact with each other.
  • Introduction to Frontend Frameworks:

    • Explore the role of frontend frameworks in modern web development.
    • Understand the benefits of using frameworks like React and Angular for building interactive web applications.
  • Understanding Common Concepts:

    • Dive deeper into common concepts shared by React and Angular, such as component-based architecture, state management, and routing.
    • Learn about the importance of reusability, scalability, and maintainability in web development projects.
React Essentials
  • Getting Started with React:

    • Set up your development environment for React.
    • Learn about React components, JSX syntax, and rendering elements.
    • Create your first React component and understand the component lifecycle.
  • State Management in React:

    • Explore state and props in React components.
    • Learn how to manage component state using setState() and understand the concept of lifting state up.
  • Handling Events and Forms:

    • Understand how to handle user events in React, such as onClick and onChange.
    • Learn about form handling in React and controlled components.
  • React Router and Navigation:

    • Explore React Router for handling navigation in single-page applications.
    • Learn how to set up routes and navigate between different views in a React application.
  • Working with APIs:

    • Learn how to make asynchronous requests to external APIs using fetch or libraries like Axios.
    • Understand how to fetch data and update the component state accordingly.
Angular Essentials
  • Getting Started with Angular:

    • Set up your development environment for Angular.
    • Learn about Angular modules, components, templates, and data binding.
  • Services and Dependency Injection:

    • Understand the role of services in Angular applications.
    • Learn about dependency injection and how it’s used to provide services to components.
  • Forms and Validation in Angular:

    • Learn about template-driven and reactive forms in Angular.
    • Understand how to create and validate forms using Angular’s form controls.
  • Angular Router and Navigation:

    • Explore Angular’s built-in router for handling navigation.
    • Learn how to set up routes, guard routes, and navigate between different views in an Angular application.
  • HTTP Client and Observables:

    • Learn how to make HTTP requests in Angular using the HttpClient module.
    • Understand the concept of observables and how they’re used to handle asynchronous data streams.

Who is a React/Angular developer?

React and Angular developers are web development specialists who specialize in using their respective frameworks to create interactive and high-performing web applications. Here are the key aspects of their role:

  • Framework Knowledge:
    • React/Angular developers have deep knowledge of the core concepts and capabilities of their framework. They understand the application structure, component architecture, state management, routing, and other key aspects.
  • Component Development:

    • They have skills in developing high-quality and reusable components that meet design and functionality requirements.
  • State Management:

    • React/Angular developers can effectively manage the state of applications. They use the state mechanisms of frameworks to store and update data in real-time.
  • Implementation of Business Logic:

    • They understand the business logic of applications and can effectively implement client requirements in web applications.
  • Testing and Optimization:

    • React/Angular developers can conduct code testing and optimize applications to improve performance and speed.

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