Focus IT College

Frontend developer

Our frontend development course covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – the fundamental languages of web development. You’ll learn to create and structure web pages using HTML, style and design them with CSS, and add interactivity with JavaScript.


Learn React and Angular, two powerful front-end frameworks for building modern web applications. Develop reusable components and manage state efficiently with React, while Angular focuses on building robust single-page applications.


Our JavaScript course covers the essential programming language used for building interactive web applications. You’ll learn the core concepts such as variables, functions, and loops, as well as advanced topics like DOM manipulation and asynchronous programming.

Backend developer

In our backend development course, we’ll focus on C# and the .NET framework. You’ll learn to build robust web applications, handle data management, and implement server-side logic effectively. Gain skills in SQL Server for database management

QA Automation

On this course master the basics of software testing automation, explore popular tools and frameworks like Selenium, Appium, JUnit, TestNG, and learn to write efficient automated tests. Join us and become an expert in software quality assurance!”

QA Manual

Here, you’ll dive into the manual software testing, learn fundamental testing principles, methods of creating test cases, test plans, and reporting on testing. We’ll also cover various types of testing such as functional, regression, integration, and more.

Full-Stack developer

In our Fullstack Developer course, you’ll master both frontend and backend web development. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for captivating user interfaces, and delve into backend development with C# and .NET for robust server-side applications.


In our Fullstack Developer course, you’ll master both frontend and backend web development. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for captivating user interfaces, and delve into backend development with C# and .NET for robust server-side applications.

Recruitment & HR

Learn everything from candidate sourcing to offer negotiation. Gain insights into recruitment strategies, assessment techniques, and modern technologies. Whether you’re new to recruiting or looking to advance your skills, this course will equip you to excel in today’s competitive market.

English Course

In our English course, you’ll embark on a journey from beginner to fluent speaker, tailored specifically for aspiring programmers. Starting from basic language skills, you’ll progress through levels A1 to C2, mastering English proficiency alongside programming concepts.