Focus IT College

Fullstack Developer

The Fullstack Development course offers comprehensive training in web development, covering both frontend and backend aspects. Students will learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js for frontend, as well as C# and ASP.NET Core for backend development. The course also covers aspects of responsive design, web application security, creating RESTful APIs, and version control using Git. 

Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate and will be prepared to start a career as Fullstack developers.

Technologies and software you will add to your toolbox
html [#124]Created with Sketch.
visual_studio [#005FEE]Created with Sketch.
Visual Studio
.net Core
.net Framework

Frontend Modules

  • What is a website. Work process setup. Introduction to HTML.
  • Version Control Systems, Git and GitHub
  • HTML5 tags
  • Introduction to CSS
  • Flexbox, Bootstrap
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS selectors
  • Figma
  • Working with pre- and post-processors
  • BEM methodology
  • Fonts in web, Font Face
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Position Transform. CSS Animation
  • Creating forms
  • CSS Grid Layout
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  • Responsive navigation. Adaptive Graphics
  • RWD. SEO. Cross-browser compatibility
  • Project 1. A simple website for your portfolio
  • JavaScript basics
  • Data types and operators. Part 1
  • Data types and operators. Part 2
  • Data types and operators. Part 3
  • Loops and conditions. Part 1
  • Loops and conditions. Part 2
  • Functions
  • Arrays
  • Objects
  • Classes. Part 1
  • Classes. Part 2
  • Classes. Part 3
  • Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Events
  • Introduction to Slick Slider and jQuery
  • Customized maps with an example of Google Maps API. AJAX
  • Web storage
  • Project 2. Architecture – basic web-site + JS
Front-end: React
  • Introduction to React. Part 1
  • Introduction to React. Part 2
  • React state and props. Lifecycle methods. Part 1
  • React state and props. Lifecycle methods. Part 2
  • Lists and conditional rendering. Part 1
  • Lists and conditional rendering. Part 2
  • Stateful vs Stateless components. Forms, events. Popular libraries for React
  • React: Hooks
  • React routing
  • Project 3. Responsive website with JS. Part 1
  • Project 3. Responsive website with JS. Part 2
  • Project 3. Responsive website with JS. Part 3
  • Project 3. Responsive website with JS. Part 4
  • Project presentation
  • Graduation

Backend Modules

  • Introduction to Programming Languages

  • Simple Data Types. Variables. Constants

  • Expressions and Operators in a Language

Program Flow Control
  • Branching (if … else, switch, ternary operator)

  • Loops (do … while, while, for, foreach)

  • Methods for Detecting and Debugging Code Faults (Debugging)

Data Structures
  • Working with Arrays (single and multi-dimensional)

  • Algorithms for Array Manipulation (searching, sorting, etc.)

  • Lists, Dictionaries

  • Enumerations

Strings and Formatting
  • String Manipulation

  • Formatting

  • Algorithms for String Operations

  • StringBuilder Class

  • Working with Methods (arguments, return values, ref, out)

  • Method Overloading

  • Algorithms with Recursion
Introduction to OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
  • Complex Data Types (classes, structures)

  • Properties

  • Fundamentals of Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism

File System
  • Working with Folders (opening, creating, reading, deleting)

  • Working with Files (opening, creating, deleting, reading, and editing)

OOP, Classes, and Objects
  • Classes. Methods. Constructors. Access Methods and Properties

  • Object Lifetimes

  • Overloading Class Member Functions
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  • Static and Nested Classes
  • Delegates, Generic Templates
  • Events and Lambda Expressions
  • Generics
  • Data Structures
  • Additional OOP Features in C#
  • Multithreading and Synchronization
  • OOP. Practice. Creating a Class Library
Data Handling
  • Collections, Enumerators, and Iterators

  • Introduction to Entity Framework Core

  • Anonymous and Dynamic Types. LINQ. (Based on a Database Webinar)
  • Files and Registry
  • Working with XML
  • Object Serialization
Network/WEB Programming
  • HTML, CSS, JS. Essential Basics

  • Fundamentals of Network Programming
  • Sockets
  • Working with Major Network/WEB Protocols
  • Introduction to ASP.NET
Development of Various Applications

  • WPF
  • UWP
  • GIT

  • Databases (DB)
  • Unit Testing
Introduction to the .NET Platform
  • Overview of .NET Components and Ecosystem

  • Understanding the Role and Capabilities of .NET for Developers
High-Level Development in ASP.NET Core
  • ASP.NET Core Deep Dive: Exploring various aspects of ASP.NET Core, including middleware, handling HTTP requests and responses, integrating middleware for authentication and authorization processing.

  • Dependency Injection in .NET: Learning and utilizing the dependency injection system to facilitate dependency management in ASP.NET Core.
Advanced C# Techniques in .NET
  • Asynchronous Programming: Exploring advanced asynchronous programming techniques in C# and using async/await to facilitate working with asynchronous code.

  • Patterns and Advanced Language Features: Studying various design patterns and advanced language features in C# to enhance readability and support better architectural solutions.
Microservices and Architectural Approaches
  • Introduction to Microservices: Overview of the microservices architecture concept and the benefits of adopting this approach.

  • Containerization with Docker: Learning to use Docker containers for isolating and deploying microservices.
Desktop Application Development with WPF
  • Basics of WPF: Exploring the fundamentals of Windows Presentation Foundation and learning XAML language for creating cross-platform desktop applications.

  • In-depth Desktop Development: Learning and utilizing various tools and libraries for developing stylish and functional desktop applications.
Deployment and Optimization of Projects in .NET
  • Code Optimization and Profiling: Exploring tools for code profiling and performance optimization.

  • Deployment on Various Environments: Learning effective deployment of applications on different platforms and cloud services.
Working with .NET MAUI
  • Introduction to .NET MAUI and its capabilities, applications. Comparison with other mobile development technologies.

  • Creating Cross-Platform Applications
  • Installation and Setup of Development Environment
  • Creating a Simple Application for Multiple Platforms
  • User Interface Development

  • Using XAML for creating beautiful and adaptive UI
  • Working with Basic Controls in .NET MAUI

Who is a Fullstack developer?

A Fullstack Developer is a versatile professional proficient in both frontend and backend web development. They possess a comprehensive understanding of various programming languages, frameworks, and technologies necessary to build and maintain complete web applications.

Fullstack Developers are capable of working on the client-side (frontend) of applications, focusing on user experience and interface design using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as frontend frameworks like React.js or Angular.

Moreover, they are skilled in server-side (backend) development, managing databases, and building server-side logic. This involves languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, or C#, along with frameworks like Node.js, ASP.NET, Django, or Spring Boot.

In addition to technical expertise, Fullstack Developers often have knowledge of DevOps practices, version control systems, and deployment strategies, enabling them to oversee the entire development lifecycle of a web application.

Overall, Fullstack Developers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between frontend and backend development, possessing the skills required to create fully functional and dynamic web applications from start to finish.


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